Wednesday, February 4, 2009

make Bush Pay.

We have a new President. thank-God. God luck Obama. Wow. would you want to be handed this job, at THIS time in hostory.?
Not only does this guy have to overcome the "forst black " President stigma.but, after 8 years of the absolute WORST, unforgiving,non-compassionate, self-serving, America destroying, America selling out administration, this guy gets handed a trillion dollar deficit, two wars,
a recession, a depression, Rush Limbaugh, and a pocket full of pinched and pouting rebublicans. Yipes! i mean, how much can he really do?
He is just one man, and as we all know, whenever just one clear headed, policy changing,
non bowing person comes along, that seeks to correct or better the way of life around here, they get shot.
Plain and simple \, they get killed.
Jesus, Lincoln, Kennedy, Kennedy, King,. Hear is one for ya, Isn't it crazy that, George H.W.
Bush was signed in as Director of the C.I.A., the DAY that Kennedy got shot. Hmmmm, Ah, Well,
you have to get jumped into a gang right?Anyway.... where was I?
Obama, right.
America, lets just do something crazy, and let love rule, right?
I mean, even if this guy is another political puppet, his message makes sense.
We have the right to need an effective government.
"By the people, for the People"....Right?
I don't know about anyone else, but I am struggling.My story is neither unique, nor interesting, I am just struggling. Like alot of people.
The opportunities for work have declined, and I am living on 90- bucks, every two weeks, from unemployment.Not loving is more like it.
This is crazy.
This is America.
We are better.
We can be better.
But we must unite, cannot give in to lies.
Ask Questions,. Demand answers, and make these motherfuckers like Bush, and Cheney
pay for what they have done.
They are not hurting. They are laughing. at us. At all of us, who even tuned into
someone like Sarah Palin.What a freakin joke.
Iraq? Come on, people. Why ?Why are we there?
There has been no threat to America which dimwhit was in office? Okay.
was there before?Is now. thanks to the fact that we have blown into town and tried to change a way of life that has existed for years and years.
Would WE ever stand for someone else blowing into America, and saying WE had to change the way WE live. right?
let them work it out. declare parts of Isreal Holy Land untouchable. Divide the rest between Isreal and Palestine, and let the Iraqis figure out, and suicide bomb themselves into oblivion.Who cares.Its not fixable.
Yipes. These people think different, have different values, beliefs, way of life.
Who are we to channge any of that.
Lets make ourselves better first.
Build a foundation first.
Basics, people.
I would rather save all the starving people in Africa first. ThERE WE COULD AND SHOULD make a difference.
Thats it.