Saturday, October 3, 2009

Botox music

I am just realizing how cool The Beatles really were.
They recorded ev erything live, together in the same room. That is the difference, I think with music today.
You loose some of that spontaneous energy that is created when musicicans get together.
with the ever perfecting technology that we are constantly coming up with, we have lost sight of
the beauty of improvisation.
Music is expression.
It has begun to loose that.
Like botox.
No expression.
bands are created by record company employees.
Pieced together like a recipe.
"Hey, I have this great recipe for a successful band., you take one cute guy, one goofy one,
one troubled one, one party animal, and one quiet guy,right?
blonde, brown, brown, long brown, and one maybe black or hispanic guy.,
they all have to dance, right?
Maybe play a guitar, or bass or something, right?
about 23 years old,right.
DEFINATELY, no older than 29.
now, they find some really blase songs, some formula that has worked in the past.
like ,: slow instrumental, verse, verse, chorus, verse chorus bridge chorus, stop, big chorus, repeat fade.....
either broken heart, or you dont understand me angst, or the world is fucked, or music is terrific subjects.
Hirfe some real musicians to record the album, send your nely formed pretend band up
to marketing, and developement, and BAM!!you are on your way.
I really love music.
It sets me free.
I started a career in the music industry, along time ago, quit, fell out of sight, for 10myears,
now thiinking I want to return, but its alll different now,.
Gome are the real gems of a talent.
The diamond in the rough that you discovered accidently.
Now, its corpporate America at its best, and its all about quick money.
What happened to substance?
Bruce, Elton, U2, theres a reason why radio keeps playing these guys.
thats it.
Gonna find a place for myself somewhere within a musically motivated environment.