Saturday, November 27, 2010


How much time do I waste by complaining about all the time I have wasted?
Time wasted, wasting time.
It so much easier to complain, than to do anything about it.Right?
I have so little to show for the last decade of my life, and now, in my mid-forties, living in Southern california, what to do?
What to do?
I wish I knew.
I want it to be interesting, fun, and somehow, it must be in a musically motivated environment.
Music is my friend.My oldest, and dearest companion.
The one I turn to, that envelopes me so completely, there isn't one part , not covered by musics loving essance.
Happy, sad, angry or glad, there are tunes that never fail.
AC/DC,. Bruce, Counting Crows, U2, and the wonderful Sir Elton John.
Who better than Elton John to sing to on a rainy day.?
"Mona lisas, and Mad Hatters.........."
Have to put my foot and heart out there and find my way home soon, and its scary.