Saturday, December 12, 2009


the holidays are tough. why?I dont know. I mean, why do we dread having to handg out with people that love us?And then if we have no one to be with, we are so sad.
I miss my family. Cant understand why I do not contact them.
I guess because when I do, I have to face all the reality my fucked up life has to offer.
I mean real life, is nothing like those stupid"reality"shows. It never goes that easy.
People actually feel something, and its not always so damn great in the end.
Maybe, I need to try not to be so selfish anymore.
I need to get over the fact that it is not about me all the time.
I need to call my mom.
Do you>?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Botox music

I am just realizing how cool The Beatles really were.
They recorded ev erything live, together in the same room. That is the difference, I think with music today.
You loose some of that spontaneous energy that is created when musicicans get together.
with the ever perfecting technology that we are constantly coming up with, we have lost sight of
the beauty of improvisation.
Music is expression.
It has begun to loose that.
Like botox.
No expression.
bands are created by record company employees.
Pieced together like a recipe.
"Hey, I have this great recipe for a successful band., you take one cute guy, one goofy one,
one troubled one, one party animal, and one quiet guy,right?
blonde, brown, brown, long brown, and one maybe black or hispanic guy.,
they all have to dance, right?
Maybe play a guitar, or bass or something, right?
about 23 years old,right.
DEFINATELY, no older than 29.
now, they find some really blase songs, some formula that has worked in the past.
like ,: slow instrumental, verse, verse, chorus, verse chorus bridge chorus, stop, big chorus, repeat fade.....
either broken heart, or you dont understand me angst, or the world is fucked, or music is terrific subjects.
Hirfe some real musicians to record the album, send your nely formed pretend band up
to marketing, and developement, and BAM!!you are on your way.
I really love music.
It sets me free.
I started a career in the music industry, along time ago, quit, fell out of sight, for 10myears,
now thiinking I want to return, but its alll different now,.
Gome are the real gems of a talent.
The diamond in the rough that you discovered accidently.
Now, its corpporate America at its best, and its all about quick money.
What happened to substance?
Bruce, Elton, U2, theres a reason why radio keeps playing these guys.
thats it.
Gonna find a place for myself somewhere within a musically motivated environment.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

aren't miserable people a drag?

I mean, as difficult as life is, aren't miserable people especially annoying.
I know that sounds harsh, I am certainly not refering to people who are sick, or disabled, or
I am talking about just plain, lazy, ass, miserable, negative, complaining, blaming, miserable people.
You know the type, right?
It is never their fault,....anything. its the world, its their partner, its the government.
Why even try? because it will only fail.
Can't ever see the good in anything, first. if the sun is shining, they would complain about sunburn.
If its cool, they would be cold.
If it sounds too good to be true,they know it is not.
Can't trust anybody, the t.v.,the newspaper, ANYBODY.
society sucks.police sucks.government sucks.
the world is going to Hell.
we are all gonna die.
They plain and not care. period.
oh, man, is this exhausting.
i mean, what are these people afraid of?
Is it that they do not feel that they fit in?
Or is it that they do not understand, insecure?what?
avoidence denial?what?
Too depressing, all the time.
Whew!!!!!!Being around someone all the time like this certainly begins to chip away at your spirit, doesn't it?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

music meat and potatoes

I love music. I have the utmost respect for musicians. Their dedication and unstoppable drive
is really remarkeable.i mean, consider the rejecton they face, and the odds of success.
I think it is pretty cool that there are so many avesnues to get your music heard today, with the internet and all.
but, i was thinking about it the other day, and I kinda feel like, a great disservice
is being paid to musicians.
Well, look, every one with a computer these days can make music.
There are a billion music programs.
I have a friend who cannot play an instrument, and yet, with a few pushes of certain keys on a keyboard, three or four loops, and a drumbeat later, hes got a song.
How is that fair to all the unheard talented musicians, who have spent years
honing their craft, and are being passed by, by the digital, creations?
maybe, I am just too old school.
But, i prefer analog.
I think the Beatles sound so good, because they recorded their music live.
And i like real musicians,and real instruments.
I guess you could call me a meat and potatoes music lover.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

make Bush Pay.

We have a new President. thank-God. God luck Obama. Wow. would you want to be handed this job, at THIS time in hostory.?
Not only does this guy have to overcome the "forst black " President stigma.but, after 8 years of the absolute WORST, unforgiving,non-compassionate, self-serving, America destroying, America selling out administration, this guy gets handed a trillion dollar deficit, two wars,
a recession, a depression, Rush Limbaugh, and a pocket full of pinched and pouting rebublicans. Yipes! i mean, how much can he really do?
He is just one man, and as we all know, whenever just one clear headed, policy changing,
non bowing person comes along, that seeks to correct or better the way of life around here, they get shot.
Plain and simple \, they get killed.
Jesus, Lincoln, Kennedy, Kennedy, King,. Hear is one for ya, Isn't it crazy that, George H.W.
Bush was signed in as Director of the C.I.A., the DAY that Kennedy got shot. Hmmmm, Ah, Well,
you have to get jumped into a gang right?Anyway.... where was I?
Obama, right.
America, lets just do something crazy, and let love rule, right?
I mean, even if this guy is another political puppet, his message makes sense.
We have the right to need an effective government.
"By the people, for the People"....Right?
I don't know about anyone else, but I am struggling.My story is neither unique, nor interesting, I am just struggling. Like alot of people.
The opportunities for work have declined, and I am living on 90- bucks, every two weeks, from unemployment.Not loving is more like it.
This is crazy.
This is America.
We are better.
We can be better.
But we must unite, cannot give in to lies.
Ask Questions,. Demand answers, and make these motherfuckers like Bush, and Cheney
pay for what they have done.
They are not hurting. They are laughing. at us. At all of us, who even tuned into
someone like Sarah Palin.What a freakin joke.
Iraq? Come on, people. Why ?Why are we there?
There has been no threat to America which dimwhit was in office? Okay.
was there before?Is now. thanks to the fact that we have blown into town and tried to change a way of life that has existed for years and years.
Would WE ever stand for someone else blowing into America, and saying WE had to change the way WE live. right?
let them work it out. declare parts of Isreal Holy Land untouchable. Divide the rest between Isreal and Palestine, and let the Iraqis figure out, and suicide bomb themselves into oblivion.Who cares.Its not fixable.
Yipes. These people think different, have different values, beliefs, way of life.
Who are we to channge any of that.
Lets make ourselves better first.
Build a foundation first.
Basics, people.
I would rather save all the starving people in Africa first. ThERE WE COULD AND SHOULD make a difference.
Thats it.