Thursday, September 24, 2009

aren't miserable people a drag?

I mean, as difficult as life is, aren't miserable people especially annoying.
I know that sounds harsh, I am certainly not refering to people who are sick, or disabled, or
I am talking about just plain, lazy, ass, miserable, negative, complaining, blaming, miserable people.
You know the type, right?
It is never their fault,....anything. its the world, its their partner, its the government.
Why even try? because it will only fail.
Can't ever see the good in anything, first. if the sun is shining, they would complain about sunburn.
If its cool, they would be cold.
If it sounds too good to be true,they know it is not.
Can't trust anybody, the t.v.,the newspaper, ANYBODY.
society sucks.police sucks.government sucks.
the world is going to Hell.
we are all gonna die.
They plain and not care. period.
oh, man, is this exhausting.
i mean, what are these people afraid of?
Is it that they do not feel that they fit in?
Or is it that they do not understand, insecure?what?
avoidence denial?what?
Too depressing, all the time.
Whew!!!!!!Being around someone all the time like this certainly begins to chip away at your spirit, doesn't it?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

music meat and potatoes

I love music. I have the utmost respect for musicians. Their dedication and unstoppable drive
is really remarkeable.i mean, consider the rejecton they face, and the odds of success.
I think it is pretty cool that there are so many avesnues to get your music heard today, with the internet and all.
but, i was thinking about it the other day, and I kinda feel like, a great disservice
is being paid to musicians.
Well, look, every one with a computer these days can make music.
There are a billion music programs.
I have a friend who cannot play an instrument, and yet, with a few pushes of certain keys on a keyboard, three or four loops, and a drumbeat later, hes got a song.
How is that fair to all the unheard talented musicians, who have spent years
honing their craft, and are being passed by, by the digital, creations?
maybe, I am just too old school.
But, i prefer analog.
I think the Beatles sound so good, because they recorded their music live.
And i like real musicians,and real instruments.
I guess you could call me a meat and potatoes music lover.