Saturday, September 11, 2010

Artists are special people. I have big love for musicians. They have to endure a life of feeling anguish, and being tortured by everything, and everybody, so that they can write about it, and we can feel like somebody else in the world can relate to us. I am not a musician, but I have been learning to play ta,mborine, and its exhilerating, actually. Because, even though I only play to the radio, sometimes, I get it just right, and it clicks, and for an absolute instant, I am in there!!, I am in!!!, I get to ride for a brief second on that cool music wave, that realm of life that exists whenever magic happens, that layer of something unseen that hits you right at your soul, and fills you with love and joy, that thing that God is, that love is, that music is. And even if its only for a second, and then, I am offbeat again, and I fall out, its so worth it, that one second of being part of something too huge and beautiful to ever explain. And wow, being a musician, and getting to feel like that, more often than a second, must be wonderful, and makes me think creative people, ARE so special. Luckily I know a few, and they share their music with me, so i feel special too.

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